Darkest Dungeon Savegame Download
Semi Save Set
Couldn’t see any saves for this game so decided to start working on it myself. Included in this thread is saves for 3 tricky trophies.
1. In Sheep’s Clothing – Awarded for beating Brigand Vvulf.
2. In Such Haste – Beat the game is less than 99 weeks.
3. Sentimental Relics – Collect all Ancestor Trinkets.
4. A Terrifying Figure Emerged From The Darkness – Slay a Shambler.
5. Caretaker – Complete all Caretaker Goals
The saves are in separate folders that are clearly labelled and have instruction .txt for each one.
This is a work in progress and will be updated. Soon to come is a save for completing all Ancestor Milestones and in time, will be a save for beating the game on Stygian mode. Others will be added along the way too.
I hope some of you find that useful and don’t hesitate to act for any help or request a save.
Darkest Dungeon Comments (3)
any chance for a pc save ones ? i kinda want to test the game again
Alternative link added.
Hi guys, The link does not work :)